Thursday, March 21, 2019

Escape from Kraznir

This term room 5 have been writing a fantasy story called "Escape from Kraznir". It is about a group of spies trying to steal a bunch of battle plans because one city (Kraznir) is planning to attack another city (Slinsil)! The spies go through numerous amounts of challenges and only a few may come out alive.... It has been really  fun writing and creating our story! 

Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Shrove Tuesday!

Today was "Shrove Tuesday" we made pancakes and burned the palms for "ash Wednesday" Shrove Tuesday is a part of lent. When we made the pancakes we made them with the juniors/yr 0&1. To make pancakes you will need: 
  • Butter
  • Flour 
  • Milk 
First you mix the flour and milk together !
Then you put a small or big (depending on the size of pan) piece of butter on the pan to melt! (so the pancake doesn't stick)
After that you poor the pancake mixture in the pan.
Soon once your pancake has been cooked, you eat and enjoy!😁

Friday, March 1, 2019

Rosa's mantra

In room 5 we have been talking about growth mind-set, so we made Mantras. Here is my Mantra:

Rise above the storm and you will find the


Rosa's Pepeha

Ko Mt Roskill tōku mauga

Ko te Moana-nui-a-Kiwa tōku moana

Ko European Kiwi tōku iwi

Nō Aotearoa ahau

Ko Te Hepara Pai tōku kura

Ko Leonie tōku mama

Ko Stephen tōku papa

Ko Rosa  tōku ingoa

                                 Related image

swimming sports

At Good Shepherd school we had swim sports at West Wave pools, we came by bus and went by bus. the first races were competitive: backstroke, freestyle, and breaststroke. I competed in competitive freestyle, and breaststroke. I didn't come either 1st, 2nd or 3rd but that's okay I've always got next year. Anyway after competitive there was non-competitive races: dolphin dive, freestyle, and water walk, I'm in Blake (the blue house) and I was cheering for Blake so loudly that at the end of the day my throat was hoarse! Swimming sports was really fun, and I can't wait until next year's swim sports!